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The Dopamine Loop: A Parent's Guide To Breaking The Dopamine Addiction Cycle

By: Daniel Ray Allen

If you parent a teen or preteen, this book is for you. It provides insight and guidance on navigating the challenges of social media, cell phone use, and gaming addiction and helping your child develop healthy connections with peers while prioritizing family commitments and relationships. This book is a guide to help teens and preteens connect more with their peers. It offers valuable insights and practical advice on fostering genuine connections and promoting positive social interactions among young people. This book is intended to inspire awareness or elicit a positive change in your life. Three circumstances promote change in a person’s life: when they hurt enough, they have to; when they learn enough, they want to; and when they see enough, they are inspired to. Hopefully, this book will educate and inspire you to change and help others with the change they seek.

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