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Welcome to Purgatory by Gerardo Bucio



The beginning of the infection would essentially come to mark the end of civilization as we know it. 


In this roller coaster of a spine-chiller, our hero is thrown right into the fire and death of the zombie apocalypse and has to figure out how to survive. He joins up with Amber, a woman who is strong and confident along with being incredibly hot. They make their escape from the immediate chaos to go through many gory adventures together before their paths separate. Losing Amber makes him realize that his internal growth is important if he is to survive. As he begins to adapt and learn, he is captured, but eventually he's welcomed into Purgatory, a town decimated by the ongoing apocalypse. 


A suspenseful, occasionally humorous story that will captivate readers' senses and put them on the edge of their seats...and make them ask themselves what they would do if confronted by a real apocalypse. This is book 1 of a planned series. 

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